This book is a little bit good. With all the recent melodramas and misdemeanours I feel I need some guidance and inspiration from some pretty dangerously insightful women. I purchased - and read - this book last year. Of course at that time I had a steady job that I kind of somewhat tragically enjoyed, a lovely man-friend to keep me warm at night and with it a pretty good social life. This isn't a "woe is me" post, however on reading the book for a second time ie. over the last couple of days, there are some pretty good advice nuggets.
One 'nugget' that I am going to focus on is their advice on being an 'enigma'; a mysterious girl. My tongue has landed me in trouble more than once over these two past life-changing months and it's time it stopped. So no more spilling my guts to anyone who will listen, or gossiping over what either myself or anyone else is or isn't getting up to. Keeping my mouth schtum. And instead concentrating on being charming, building relationships with people and perhaps letting a little gossip out over a bottle of wine.
Their advice is "It's hard to remain an enigma when we live in a world where everybody is intent on revealing every little thing about themselves at parties and then revealing it again on the interweb. But do try it. If in doubt, cast your mind back to Brief Encounter and imagine how the whole caboodle would have been blown out of the water if Celia Johnson had received a text at the wrong minute. Being enigmatic is a very sexy quality indeed."